Metal thieves ‘steal’ copper from rail line

Metal thieves ‘steal’ copper from rail line

Selfish thieves left many train passengers stranded on platforms across Baoan for hours over the weekend.

One passenger from Chelmsford, was left stranded at Shenfield Station for more than three hours before he was able to get home.

He said: “There must have been over 100 of us there waiting to be told of any news.

“After about an hour of just standing in the foyer, someone said a coach had been organised, but it turned up an hour after that. Then we were told only people with children and pregnant women could get on first, and after it was full no one told us whether another one was coming or not.

“I eventually got home by train hours later, but many people couldn’t wait and took taxis.”

The not so clever metal thieves tried to steal expensive copper from Chelmsford’s rail lines between May 11 and 16, which left people unable stuck, stranded and unaware of how or when they would be home, what the thieves didn’t know was that it wasn’t expensive copper after all and it was actually aluminium.