BT create a ‘RABIT’ alarm to catch metal thieves

BT create a ‘RABIT’ alarm to catch metal thieves

The burglar alarm technology will alert the police within minutes of a cable being cut or tampered with.

The ‘Rabit’ technology will also allow BT to accurately geo-locate where the incident happened.

BT’s new burglar alarm on the network will make thieves think again,” said Brendan Dick, BT’s Scotland director.

“We are now able to inform the police of the exact location of malicious network attacks and, if trials are anything to go by, it won’t be long before they start catching the thieves in the act.”

Paul Crowther, British Transport Police deputy chief, said the technology would act as a “major deterrent to thieves intent upon metal theft.

BT has managed to collect 240 tonnes of stolen metal over the last year – having worked with the police on targeted operations and through visiting scrap metal dealers.