China Zirconium Limited: Change of Company Name

China Zirconium Limited: Change of Company Name

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The Company has changed its name from China Zirconium Limited to Sino Dragon New Energy Holdings
Limited and adopted its Chinese name, for identification purposes only, with effect from 12 October

Market participants should note that the English and Chinese stock short names for trading in the
ordinary shares (stock code: 0395) of the Company will be changed to “SINO DRAGON” and
“Chinese name”, respectively, with effect from 18 November 2009.

Reference is made to the announcement of Sino Dragon New Energy Holdings Limited (formerly known as
China Zirconium Limited, the “Company”) dated 8 September 2009 and the circular of the
Company dated 17 September 2009 relating to, among others, the proposed change of the Company’s

Source: Energy News