Could the LME be expecting a female CEO?

Could the LME be expecting a female CEO?

The London Metal Exchange will begin preparing themselves for a new CEO come 2014 and could it be that after 136 years that a female could will become the new CEO?

Top dog Martin Abbott will be resigning from his post at the end of this year, which leaves the LME requesting a new chief executive.

“That’s a super compliment,” Hunnable, said this week when asked about talk of her candidacy. “But I’m enjoying my role at CME group and I’ve got a lot of things to do here.”

The self-described “most quietly spoken fix-it lady in the metals business” declined to comment further.

A new CEO appointment would come at a time of major upheaval at the 136-year-old institution – that remains the world’s biggest marketplace for aluminium, copper, lead, zinc, tin and nickel.

Watch this space for updates.