MP Richard Ottaway to receive award for Scrap Metal Dealers Bill

MP Richard Ottaway to receive award for Scrap Metal Dealers Bill

The Conservative MP has been shortlisted for the Policy Driver award after pushing his Scrap Metal Dealers Bill through three readings in the House of Commons, hopefully putting an end to metal thefts that keep happening all of the time throughout the country and its destroying peoples property, and in some cases resulting to death whilst trying to steal the metal.

In the words of Richard Ottoway “I have introduced a Private Member’s Bill to re-regulate the scrap metal industry.

Metal theft is a distressing and destructive problem that affects individuals, communities and businesses right across the country.

Aside from the carnage caused by thieves targeting our transport, energy and telecommunications infrastructure, we are too often seeing the desecration of our churches, war memorials and crematoriums.

I first became aware of the problem of metal theft in January 2009 when Croydon Minster had lead stripped from its roof – causing major damage to the building and its historic organ as melted snow leaked through.

My Scrap Metal Dealers Bill is therefore seeking to introduce a number of new measures to help clean up the industry – and make it difficult to buy and sell stolen metal.”