Health fears over particles of metal are found in Tube dust

Health fears over particles of metal are found in Tube dust

We came across this within an article which we thought was quite unusual but very important to know.

“Experts found that the small dust particles in the air, or particulate matter, in an underground railway were quite different to the dust breathed in every day and that could have health implications because they could penetrate the lungs and body easily including the liver, brain and kidneys”.

Matt Loxham, PhD student at the University of Southampton, said: “We studied the ultrafine dust (or particulate matter) found in an underground station in Europe.

“Typically, ultrafine dust is composed of inert matter that does not pose much of a risk in terms of its chemical composition.

“However, in the underground station we studied, the ultrafine dust was at least as rich in metals as the larger dust particles and therefore, taken together with their increased surface area to volume ratio, it is of potential significance in understanding the risks of working and travelling in the underground.

“These tiny dust particles have the potential to penetrate the lungs and the body more easily, posing a risk to someone’s health.”