JFK Airport Evacuation Due To Unplugged Metal Detector

JFK Airport Evacuation Due To Unplugged Metal Detector

JFK Airport was thrown into drama when a metal detector, manned by a airport worker, had not been working and was failed to be recognised.

The drama at Terminal 7 was caused by screener  Mr Majed, who had manned Lane No. 1 during the morning shift with no idea his metal detector was actually not working.

“The truth is, this is the failure of the most basic level of diligence,” a law-enforcement source said.

“How can you expect the public to feel confident of the mission of the Transport Security Agency if they don’t even know if the lights are turned on?”

The obvious problem here is that any body who walked through that metal detector could have been carrying anything, so everybody who had walked through had to come back and walked back through again. The chaos caused passengers to become annoyed as well as late for what they were coming here for. Also due to the amount of people in the airport, there couldn’t be any more people fitted into it, which made 2 planes have to turn around back off the run way and circle the area until they could come in land again.