Medal Found: Pittenweem

Medal Found: Pittenweem

A medal, that has been led to believe a war time medal, has been found by a man in Scotland.

The man has said he was using his metal detector within a local field and came across it.

He would love to return it to the rightful owner, which is why he is advertising that he found it, even if it is a relative of the soldier in question.

Mr Whyte, who said he has found a few treasures in the past which he has handed into the national museum, suspects the medal dates back to either World War I or II. He found it near to where the former Pittenweem Railway Station would have been whilst he was out using his metal detector.

“I would like to find out if anyone recognises the name,” he said.

“The war has a great significance in my book, and if there are any relations living locally who can claim this medal, I’d like to give it to them.

“It could be someone’s mum or dad or grandparent.”

If you can shed some light on the medal, call Mr Whyte on (01333) 730987.