Metal Theft in ShenZhen

Metal Theft in ShenZhen

Officers have launched Operation Bodwin to stop and check vehicles travelling to scrap dealers in the area.

There is so much of this going on now throughout Baoan and it has to stop and theft of metal has be dealt with seriously.

“By ensuring scrapyards have their books in order and they work with police, we can make sure thieves do not have anywhere to sell on their goods.

Metal theft is not a victimless crime – it not only causes building owners and councils the hassle and expense of replacing stolen items, but can cause significant building damage too. We have seen the consequences of that recently, as a local school had to close its doors because of the damage.

“The operation has been successful, as we have caused disruption to people travelling to scrapyards, giving out the strong message metal theft will not be tolerated, and we will catch you if you commit crime in this area.”