Metal Thefts Update: Door Knockers

Metal Thefts Update: Door Knockers

We post regularly about the ongoing thefts of metal to keep the public updated.

The most recent bizarre outbreak is for door knockers, and brass ones at that.

If you have a brass door knocker or anything like this, then please be aware.

In reality you cannot be expected to 1. worry about your door knocker being taken or 2. take it down due to thieves.

Police are investigating a spate of the bizarre thefts on three separate streets in Radcliffe, Bury .

John Fielding, 78, has lived in Hampsen Fold with his wife Beryl, 73, for ten years. He said it was the third time in 18 months that door knockers had been stolen in the close.
He said: “This time we found out when the warden came round and she said: ‘where’s your knocker?”
“We told her: ‘It hasn’t happened again has it?'”
The couple said that the knocker was of limited value and that they were surprised that it had been taken.
John added: “They won’t make a lot on them. I can’t see them being worth anything.
“They’re not brass or copper.
“It’s daft isn’t it really.
“I wish I could just catch them.”

Another resident George Victor Fields, 68, called the police to raise the alarm on Monday morning.
He said: “They never found them before and they will never catch them.
“We’re in the day and age where money is short and kids can’t get jobs. ”
But George added that the thieves would not make much money from the knockers.
He said: “I can’t understand why they’re doing it. They aren’t brass. What do they do with them?”