Radioactive metal found

Radioactive metal found

The random metal has been contaminated with radium and is now being tested before the environmental team can be  100% sure about the threat it poses to public health.

Dr Paul Dale, Sepa radioactive substances specialist, told the BBC Scotland news website: “When the detector has an increased count rate you start moving the sand away to see if it gets stronger and on this occasion it gave me cause for concern because it went off the scale.

“We covered the tidal area with bricks and a specialist team removed the material using protective equipment and put it into a specialist container which has lots of shielding.”

He added: “We have been monitoring the area in a bid to find the origin of radioactive metal that we have been finding at the beach and this was when we found this lump of what looked like melted metal.”

The council has been asked to erect signs warning people not to go onto the beach