

Bit of background knowledge for you now, a few facts about Titanium.

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  • The chemical element Titanium has the symbol Ti and atomic number 22.
  • Pure titanium is a transition metal with a lustrous silver-white color.
  • Titanium will always be found bonded with another element it does not naturally occur on its own in a pure form.
  • British pastor William Gregor discovered titanium in 1791. It was later named by German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth who called it titanium after the Titans of Greek mythology. It was not until 1910 that titanium was produced to 99.9% purity by New Zealander Matthew A. Hunter, the method became known as the Hunter Process.
  • Titanium has two very useful properties, it is resistant to corrosion (including in sea water and chlorine) and has the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any metal.